Letter no. 7

Dear M:

            Thank you for writing.   Your letter reminds me of a recent article I read about finding Mohammed in the Vedas in India.   The writer looked at the word Braham and concluded that if he could add an “a” before the word he could conclude that Abraham was found in the Vedas. Braham was a God, not a person, but that did not seem to bother him.
            Now your comments about Mohammed in the Old and New Testaments relate somewhat to the same thing.   All of the details you have put together concerning parallels between Moses and Mohammed are meaningless.    The real issue is what did Moses do and what did Jesus do and what did Mohammed do?     Moses delivered the Jews from slavery.    He liberated a nation. What did Jesus do?   He liberates people from the slavery of sin.   I am sorry that I cannot say that about Mohammed.  The historical record is that Islam has enslaved people who do not accept Mohammed.  What was once a Christian culture around the Med. Sea was overpowered with the sword to either convert and face second class status, or death.
            In the number of things you outline you talk about the death of two of them, but   “Jesus (pbuh) has been raised up alive.”    My guess is that you do not accept the crucifixion and resurrection.   You are in a strange position of accepting the Bible when you think it suits your purpose, but rejecting, or claiming someone changed or corrupted it, when it disagrees with you.

            Your comment about Mohammed in Isaiah is without any context.  If you will read the whole chapter you will discover that it has nothing to do with Mohammed.   The same goes for the claim in Song of Solomon.     Another writer sent me that claim and I thought it sounded like a joke I heard, One man claims that baseball is proven in the Bible,   The other man asked how it was.   Well, said the first man, the first words in the Bible are “in the beg inning”
Again, if you read the book, it has nothing to do with Mohammed, but the lover of the woman in the Song.

            Your quotes from the Gospel of John are interesting.  If you give credibility to those quotes, did you read before that passage the words of Jesus,   “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and no one comes to the Father but by me.”   Do you believe these words?
            Now let’s look at the context of the passages.    If you will read on to the rest of the verse in John 14:16, it seems that the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him, for he dwells with you and will be in you.”    People saw Mohammed, they knew him, and he certainly did not dwell in his followers.
            The next one 15:26 does not help Mohammed either.  Mohammed did not proceed from the Father.     The next verse you quote would be meaningless to the disciples of Jesus, for they expected the Holy Spirit and this took place at Pentecost, not 600 years later.

            Now concerning your use of the Greek terms, you wrote “ Paracletos is the warped reading for Periclytos.”     What evidence do you offer for this?     The word paracletos in the Greek language means “a helper, succorer, aider, assistant.”     Your word “Periclytos” is not in the lexicon.   You can’t make up words and make them mean what you want them to mean when they don’t agree with you.    
            It is not my intention to comment on everything you have written.   What I have read so far does not lead me to accept its credibility.  You have only made claims that are without evidence, and context. 
            I do look forward to hearing from you again.   I wish you well and hope that we can have a continuing dialogue.   Jesus Christ is pursuing you and I pray for you that you may have a vision of Him like other Muslims have had and come to trust Him as Lord and Savior.
            Best wishes,   D.